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27 -OCT-2003 12:04 MIK MOSCOW RUSSIA 07 095 135 65 30 P. 01
                                                                                                                             Michail V.
                                                                                                    Institute of Microbiology
                                                                                                            Academy of Science
                                                                              117811, Prospect 60 - letija Octjabrja,
                                                                                             7,k. 2 Moscow B-312, USSR
                                                                                                                  Tel: 135 -21 -39
Mr. Zhou Fang
Deputy Director
Of the International Programs Office
Jianghan Petroleum University
Jingzhou City, Hubei 434102
P.R. China
Fax: +86-716-8430001
Dear Mr. Zhou Fang,
    Thank you vely much for the fax of October 25th,2003. As to our visit to Beljlng from November 12th to November 15th I would like to inform you that we will coordinate this matter with the Institute of Microbiology of Academia Sinica.
    Concerning the Agreement of Cooperation that we have received from you I would like to let you know that we agree with the program on the whole, but have got some alterations. We could discuss them on our arrival at Jingzhou City.
Your sincerely,
Academician M.V. Ivanov
Director of the Institute of Microbiology
Of the Russian Academy of Sciences
                                                                                                                        TOTAL P. 01


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